Photo Courtesy of Tyson Butler
The girl's soccer team huddled before going on the field.
The soccer season is back after a controversial ending to the season last year. Last year the girls’ varsity team made it all the way to the 5A State Championship and blew out Midtown 8-1. Despite winning, the game their title was taken away due to a rule violation. These unfortunate events are part of what is inspiring them this year.
“I think this season we’re more motivated because it’s [the] revenge season and we have to get back what we lost last year. And a lot of people know how good we are this year so a lot of other teams are out for us,” said Cameron Phau (‘23) one of the captains.
Another effect of last season’s controversy is that the team has new coaches.
“Coach Miles is from the Middle School. [Coach] Josh has been with us the whole time. [Coach] Pat has also been with us for a while. [There is] Cameron Washburn who is [graduated student athlete] Sarah Washburn’s dad; Coach Miller who does JV; and then Coach Mike who’s from Colorado,” said Sophia Wang (‘24).
The players are aware that it is a change, but overall they don’t think it will have too much of an effect on their play.
“I think [new coaches] will be an adjustment, and I think it’ll be positive because I think that with new faces, everyone’s a little bit more serious,” said Solai Washington (‘24).
Another change being implemented this season is morning practices. Due to the many spring sports and limited field space, the solution for equal practice time is teams having practice at 6 a.m. a few days of the week. Girls’ soccer is lucky enough to only have morning practice once a week.
“I don’t like [morning practices] that much; it’s cold early. But I understand that we have to do them in order to have space to practice,” said Mary Entriken (‘25).
A vital component of the team’s success in the past few years has been the team chemistry, so due to the new coaches and the new players that come in and out every few years the team never knows if the dynamic is going to be as good as the previous year.
“With all the new players and the new coaches, it’s just a bunch of different faces. So last year, I think our strength was how close we all were. So getting back to that could be a challenge,” said Washington.
Ansley Harrison (‘24) also thinks keeping the dynamic similar could be a challenge, but a challenge that they will overcome.
“I think a lot of the same players from last year have good chemistry each other. I think that helping the new players may be a bit of a challenge, but I think we’ll get there at some point,” said Harrison.
These girls have faced adversity and challenges in the past year but they still have hopes for a strong season.
“We’ll make it all the way again,” said Maggie Houlihan, “We’re gonna finish it for real, legally.”