Jackson Lee, Staff writer | February 10, 2025
Michael Bryant and Tommy Liang | January 29, 2025
January 15, 2025
Noa Zilber, Staff writer | December 19, 2024
Ella Grace Engle, Staff writer | December 17, 2024

Chamblee High School has a wide range of athletics that students can participate in, including Chamblee’s swim team coached by Gregory Valley and Lorri Reynolds. At the end of the season, athletes and coaches have the opportunity to review and reflect...

Understanding literature is an important skill to have and develop. Having an understanding of how to properly read and analyze the written word is crucial to communicating with others, staying informed about the world, and generally succeeding in life....

It is snowing in Atlanta! The last time it snowed in Atlanta was in 2022, and it was less than an inch. On January 10, 2025, the people of Georgia went crazy because it finally snowed over two inches. This short snowpocalypse was a fun way to enter the...

In’s: Cava When I was younger, my mom loved the Mediterranean fast food restaurant Zoe’s Kitchen. We would always stop by on long drives to visit my grandparents to pick up our salad or bowl of...

Back in October, I attended an assembly that Charlie Jabaley, a recent inductee into the Chamblee High School Hall of Fame, put on. In it, Jabaley spoke about the great successes of his life and attributed...

This year, Chamblee High School started using the 5 Star app and website to assign bathroom, tardy and study hall passes. The 5 Star pass options are limited, however, and I think Chamblee’s students...