Fiddler on the Roof: Upcoming Opening Night!

The Chamblee OnStage cast rehearses Fiddler on the Roof (photo courtesy of the Chamblee OnStage Instagram page, @chambleeonstage).
February 21, 2023
Every year, the annual spring musical is one of Chamblee High’s most anticipated events, and this year’s production, Fiddler on the Roof, is no exception. With opening night coming up on Thursday, February 23rd, the cast and crew members are working hard to ensure that the performances run smoothly.
The many separate components of the musical are coming together this week during tech week, and while rehearsals can definitely get hectic, changes made in Chamblee OnStage’s leadership structure this year have lessened the burden on managers and captains as the leadership is more spread out.
“Now that the leadership is so spread out, communication within sections is a lot easier since we all have a manager or captain to talk to when there are problems. And each job is being done by a different person, so we don’t have to worry as much about one person carrying the whole burden,” said Nora Glass (‘25), a cast member.
While the management may be easier than it was for last year’s production of Newsies, the acting itself in Fiddler on the Roof has proved to be a challenge due to the nature of the show.
“A lot of musicals end with a Disney-Channel-type ending where everyone’s happy, but this show is real. Playing my role has been a very new experience for me. In the past, I’ve wanted to play the villain, but this is not a Disney-type villain. He’s got many internal conflicts going on, and it’s very different playing a character who’s hated by the other characters in the show,” said Sam Kite (‘24), who plays the constable in Fiddler on the Roof.

The main character of the musical, Tevye, is also difficult to portray due to the complexity of his role and the changes he undergoes throughout the show. The lead actor, Bo Mallard (‘23), feels that he needed to truly gain an understanding of Tevye to embody his character.
“He [Tevye] starts the show as a funny, global guy who just loves to have fun, and then as the show progresses, as his daughter starts going away and breaking tradition and all these things, he really starts to wear away, which you can really see in the way he treats people and acts,” said Mallard.
Last week, Fox News interviewed Mallard and four other members of the musical regarding their upcoming show.
“Publicity-wise, the interview with Fox, which I think is supposed to be on the news on Monday, was very helpful because it got the word out there about our production. It was definitely very exciting being interviewed by the actual news,” said Mallard.
No musical would be possible without its team of crew members, and Micah Benning (‘25), the current Chamblee OnStage production manager, feels that the new leadership structure has benefited the crew as well as the cast.
“Everything’s gone pretty well so far. There’s been a few bumps here and there, but that always happens. All of our leaders are less stressed now,” said Benning.
Collaboration between different crew departments is crucial to the cohesion of a show, and strong cooperation is one of the reasons Fiddler on the Roof has run so smoothly so far.
“All of the crew works together super, super well. Every sphere is connected. So, as one of the costumes captains, I’m constantly working with sound and set, and it’s a really good dynamic. It’s really nice to see everyone come together like this,” said Kacey West (‘24).

A vital part of the crew is the pit orchestra, which plays during songs in the show while the actors sing.
“I like the music and working as a group and with the rest of the members of the production, like the cast. Being in pit is very demanding, but it’s a great experience. There’s a lot of good people,” said Oliver Cady (‘25), who plays the accordion in the pit orchestra.
Putting together the spring musical requires commitment and dedication from every Chamblee OnStage member from the tech crew to the ensemble. Once everybody comes together to create an amazing show, though, all the long hours are made worth it.
“My favorite part of musical theater is definitely the community. I’ve found my people,” said Kite.