Nostalgic Reads for the Average Elementary School Reading Bowl Participant and Bookworm

Hannah Choy, Editor

A common trend I have noticed amongst my friends/peers is a longing for the “good old times” in elementary and middle school when we had more time to read (yes, this definitely includes myself!). Unfortunately, with the increased workload and other obligations of high school, students find themselves with less time to read and decreased motivation to do so due to the correlation of reading and schoolwork.

However, with the new year, I have resolved to try to read 25 books this year and reclaim my past Reading Bowl participant, bookworm lifestyle. While I have an extensive list of books I want to read (even categorized by genre!), I sometimes find myself craving the comfort of an old childhood favorite– nothing beats the feeling of the first time you read a book and instantly know that it will become a top contender in your favorite book rankings. Thus, here is a brief list of books I consider all-time favorites that evoke feelings of intense nostalgia whenever I read them (because let’s be honest, I could probably write an entire novel discussing my favorite books, but I will spare you!).

Disclaimer that this list is not written in any particular order, as all of the mentioned books are worth reading at least once, and I highly recommend doing so!!

Anne of Green Gables

To me, Anne of Green Gables is a prime example of books that have a sense of comfort to them, from the idyllic setting in Nova Scotia to the stable affection of Anne’s adoptive parental figures, Marilla and Matthew. The series describes the energetic, imaginative Anne as she grows up, following her struggles and triumphs as she discovers various aspects of her identity. This book series was adapted into a film series that I would also recommend! Definitely read the books first, though, as per my rule of thumb.

Harry Potter

Harry Potter is a classic that is beloved across the world. With its fantastical, action-packed stories of Harry and his friends as they navigate their identities as witches and wizards, the series provides readers with a sense of “escape from reality” and wonderment at the magic of the Wizarding World. Again, highly recommend the movies, but only after reading the books first! The books have so much more detail that was lost in translating to the film adaptations, whether that be due to limited time or lack of drama, but I think that understanding the full complexity of the plot adds to the experience. My personal favorite of the series has to be a tie between The Sorcerer’s Stone and The Order of the Phoenix.

The Wizard of Oz

Many people don’t know that The Wizard of Oz is a book series, only knowing the story from the movie adaptation. However, I firmly believe that the Oz books are one of the best fictitious works I have ever read. While the sheer size of the books may seem daunting at first, the story moves quickly and is so engaging that you find yourself flying through the novels! I love the notion that there is such an extensive amount of additional material and storyline beyond the scope of what is seen in the movie, and in my opinion, more entertaining and whimsical than the most well-known story of Dorothy and her trip to Oz.

If you are looking to get back into reading for pleasure or looking to take a break in between homework and activities, I highly recommend reading one of these books or picking up one of your own childhood favorites!