College is still over a year away, but a girl can dream, can’t she?
- Dye My Hair
Perhaps this is the most cliche post-move-out activity, but I have always wanted to experience a new hair color. I have no idea what color I would dye my hair, nor would I probably enjoy the new hair color, but I just think the idea of it is very fun. I would dye my hair with a couple of friends instead of going to a hair salon, which would bother my mother even more, but I know the memory would be worth it to me. A couple of friends and I dyed a fellow writer’s hair, who I will keep anonymous in case her mommy reads this, and the memory and pictures are priceless to me.
2. Get a Second Ear Piercing
I have always wanted a double piercing, but according to my mom, I will drown if I go swimming with too many holes in my ear. I have a Pinterest board full of all of the earring possibilities, which I will be executing the moment I leave for college. I have had thoughts of piercing them at home with a needle, but I think my mom would actually kill me. It took a week for my friend’s parents to notice she had pierced her ears, so maybe I should give it a shot?
3. Go skiing
Both of my parents are extremely against skiing, claiming that they had a friend break every bone in their body when skiing down a particularly steep mountain (which I highly doubt). A few years ago, we were on a vacation with a couple of family friends, and they made me sit out skiing while all of my friends were allowed to go by their parents. And what did I do while all of my friends were skiing? I watched people ice skate. My parents also hate the idea of ice skating because they think I will again break every bone in my body, so that was a very disappointing day for me.
4. Buy a Record Player
My mother thinks this is the biggest waste of money ever, especially because you have to continuously keep buying records. I think she is right about this one, but I am more than ready to make the investment. I have a tab open on my phone of the exact record player I want, which I did research on. I know most would recommend suitcase record players as one’s first because of their affordability, but I want my first record player to be one of quality.
5. Learn How to Play the Guitar
Unsurprisingly, this is another waste of time in my mother’s eyes. I used to play the clarinet when I was younger, but I quit after five years, so my music instrument reputation is certainly in the negatives. Unlike the clarinet, I have an interest in learning guitar, so I genuinely do not think I would be a quitter. Although I have not had much luck in conveying this to my parents, my second plan is to borrow one of my family friend’s many guitars and prove my dedication to my parents.