Over the summer of 2023, I had the pleasure of working as a camp counselor for MJCCA Day Camps. I had such a fantastic time meeting new people and building relationships with kids, counselors, and inspiring adults. Even though my time overall was amazing, there were some bumps along the road that I wish someone had given me guidance on. I am definitely still not perfect at being a counselor, but here are some things that I have learned in my experience!
Get a portable speaker
Trust me, camp is a lot of walking, and, a lot of times, campers really struggle to keep up. If you create a hype-enough playlist, students will not only keep up, but boogie as you walk around camp.
Things will go wrong (and it will be your fault), but don’t take it personally
Being a camp counselor is basically putting out every fire that comes your way and trying your best to avoid future fires. Being patient and understanding that this is the reality of being a counselor can help you to compartmentalize
If you have a walkie, keep it close to your ear
On my first day of camp, I turned my walkie-talkie all the way down because it was causing me to not be able to hear my campers. However, this was such a big mistake because four of my campers left early that day, and I wasn’t able to hear them get called.
Say no to your campers
If they start trying to put crayons in your eyes, tell them no. If they ask to touch your walkie-talkie, say no. If they ask (or attempt to) color on your face in Sharpie, decline immediately. It’s okay to be stern when it comes to your boundaries.
Befriend the “problem children”
In my first week, there was this one boy (let’s call him Alex) who was always getting into conflicts with the other campers. At first, I reprimanded Alex, pulling him aside nicely and asking him to be kinder to the other campers. It wasn’t until I saw Alex crying in a corner that I realized that he was not at all a bad kid, only a kid with slight anger problems. It got to a point where, by the end of the week, he would find me when he needed a break and we would take a walk around camp to calm down. Taking time to understand those kids who are the center of conflicts is one of the best things that you can do for your campers.
Your bosses make mistakes, so they understand that you do too
I am so hard on myself with everything that I do wrong, but realizing that everyone at camp makes mistakes made me feel so much better. It is how you deal with mistakes that matters. It’s okay to apologize if your mistakes get in others’ way, but let it go after. No one at camp is perfect or thinks that you have to be.
Bring a pair of ratty white sneakers
This tip is one that I feel reluctant to share with the world. In my first year of camp, I brought a pair of white shoes that I knew needed to soon be thrown away and asked my campers if they would decorate them for me. Not only did I leave the summer with super cool shoes, but I got a reputation as a fun and creative counselor (with super cool shoes).
Start your day off positive, and keep it there
Being a camp counselor is all about having the right mindset. If you go in one day thinking that the day is going to be awful, you will have an awful day. If you go in positive and ready to make all of your campers’ days, you will love your job. Your level of enthusiasm and joy each day is the difference between having an amazing summer and wasting your summer away.
Drink water
This is the most important piece of advice that you will ever get. If you are dehydrated, you will be 1000% more crabby than you normally are.
I hope these tips will help you as a camp counselor. Who knows? Maybe I will see you around MJCCA Day Camps!!