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The official newspaper of Chamblee High School, preserving the past for the future today!

The Blue & Gold

The official newspaper of Chamblee High School, preserving the past for the future today!

The Blue & Gold

The Underrated Joy of Trios

The author (right) and her trio. Photo by Addison Lyons

So often, when I hear of friendship trios, I only hear of the ill of them. People frequently bash them, leaving trios infamous for being dysfunctional and unsupportive. However, I have come to know the opposite. Over the past year, I have formed a fantastic trio that has fundamentally altered how I view friendships and what ‘healthy communication’ truly means. What began as simple classmates has evolved into something far more significant. These two girls have since become such a crucial part of my life, and I genuinely don’t know where I would be without them. With our endless meaningful conversations and impressive ability to make each other laugh contagiously, we have become so close that we have achieved complete comfort with each other. We can sit in silence without the dreadful awkwardness; we can tell any joke no matter how awful and unfunny, and tell each other the most personal details of our lives without the fear of judgment.

As we continue to navigate our trio’s relationship, I learn more about what it means to be in a healthy friendship. We can open up and tell each other how we feel wholeheartedly. If we accidentally make an insensitive comment or hurt each other’s feelings, we can discuss our emotions openly and discuss the feelings that arise. I haven’t been in a friendship before where I felt the confidence and level of comfort where I could confront them, so being in a trio where we are so honest with each other is such a foreign experience. Speaking out and being confrontational has never been easy for me. Most of the time, I wait for my emotions to pass and never truly dive into what has affected or hurt my feelings. To be vulnerable with someone is never easy; to lay yourself bare and discuss how you feel or how someone affects you is, without a doubt, no easy task. However, this friend group has proven that healthy communication is possible and should be more often normalized in friendships. It shows that opening up can be pacifying when done with the right people. Whether I had a bad day or needed to rant about something, they have always been there for me and supported me entirely, as I have done the same for them.

Despite the infamous reputation of trios, primarily for the exclusivity and dysfunctionality that occasionally occurs, trios turn out to be worthwhile when they work. The primary focus in my trio is to make sure everyone feels heard regarding their feelings, and we always prioritize making sure everyone is included. Gradually, my friends and I have all bonded impartially, and we all carry the same compassion for each other. We all have the same love and admiration for each other and care so deeply about each other that there is very little room for jealousy or toxicity. Although it can be scary to form new connections, especially with such an infamous title, it may surprise you how remarkable these new connections can turn out to be.

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About the Contributor
Addison Lyons
Addison Lyons, Staff Writer
Addison Lyons (‘26) is a sophomore and a Staff Writer of the Blue & Gold. In five years, she hopes to be in college studying for a medical degree. Her three favorite things are Taylor Swift, watching scary movies, and reading.
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