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The official newspaper of Chamblee High School, preserving the past for the future today!

The Blue & Gold

The official newspaper of Chamblee High School, preserving the past for the future today!

The Blue & Gold

The Aura Scale

Taylor Swift fans should sit down for this
A 10 versus a 1. Image by Eli Ritchey

Before you judge this list, before any complaints, assertions, or slander can be filed, you must first understand what aura is. Aura is an emanation around a person that drops jaws, encourages glances, and attracts an audience. It can not be confined by categories such as attractiveness, confidence, or popularity, however those do play a part. Rather, aura is the atmosphere created around a person refined from all their accomplishments, one that can be either great or meager, which attracts others leaving a sense of wow with no direct reason why. That being said, here is my aura scale:

0/10 – Phyllis from the Office

Phyllis is a side character in The Office, an “npc” of sorts, who rarely sees important screen time or oral lines. She simply sits in her cubicle providing reactions but not engaging or providing any substance to the show. Phyllis is a great example of zero aura due to her lack of presence and overly negligible impact. No one asks: where’s Phyllis?

1/10 – Mac Jones

Who? That’s what you probably thought when you saw this name if you aren’t familiar with American football. Mac Jones was the starting quarterback for the New England Patriots, and he took over this role from the only football player half the world knows: Tom Brady. It is safe to say that he was no Tom. In the three seasons he started for the Patriots, Jones had more turnovers than either games or touchdowns. Plus, he looks like he’s a cashier at your local Publix.

2/10 – Taylor Swift

She has fans, but a large fan base does not equal a large aura. When you look at Swift, you aren’t inspired, in awe, or wowed. She can sing, but there’s no atmosphere generated by her persona. I also just wanted to make all the Swifties mad. lol.

3/10 – Magnus Carlson
He’s the G. O. A. T….. at chess. Carlson does not quite have that wow aura that it takes to immediately win respect, rather he wows people with his intellectual feats in a household board game. He inspires a certain type of audience, but that inspiration is fleeting as he gets older and only impacts nerds.

4/10 – Homer Simpson

I was going to place this man higher, but sometimes his aura is masked by his stupidity. This animated character never ceases to amaze me in the amount of dumb and stupid things he can concoct. However, he always survives and when you see a picture of him it captures a quick moment of your attention.

5/10 – Katness Everdeen 

She is the perfect example of middle tier aura as she is a nobody at the same time of being sort of the coolest, most popular, smartest somebody in The Hunger Games. She captivates an audience before, during, and after the hunger games, but at the same time looking at her and not knowing her history makes her a lot less cool.

6/10 – Nikola Jokic 

Buddy has that calm aura. Jokic won most valuable player in the NBA and won the championship then proceeded to talk about how he was ready to ride his horses. That is a baller and a boss. He is also gigantic, earning him some respect out of mere size, and Jokic just has everybody’s respect. He’s nice and confident in who he is, but not quite to that jaw dropping level.

7/10 – Indiana Jones

He is a history teacher and one crazy cool archeologist that carries a whip. Indiana Jones just gives coolness vibes, and you know if he’s there something crazy is about to happen. The way he stands, talks, and thinks demands respect, and that’s what he gets, even from his enemies.

8/10 – Rihanna 

She was pregnant while performing at the Super Bowl halftime show. It takes another level of confidence to pull that off. Plus, she has that wow factor. Even high school boys get giddy at the mention of “Ri Ri”.

9/10 – Lionel Messi

Messi acts awkward in social settings, but everyone still admires and follows along with every word he says. Further, the amount of respect his teammates have for him is admirable, and he’s an extremely warm person. Also, in my opinion he is the greatest soccer player of all time, and it is a fact that he truly changed the game of soccer. Plus, Taylor Swift’s fan base is large, but Messi’s is even larger with a considerable amount of them ready to go to war for him.

10/10 – Lebron James

People call this man the king. He has one of the most recognizable beards in the world, and he is an influencer on and off the basketball court. Plus, he has like hundreds of other nicknames. LeBron also is just scary but scary respectable. A man of his stature and size demands respect, his accomplishments demand awe, and he as a person just emits a whole other level of aura. There even is a weird trend going around where people write a love letter to him. That shows aura.

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About the Contributor
Elijah Ritchey
Elijah Ritchey, Staff Writer
Elijah Ritchey ('25) is a junior and a staff writer of the Blue & Gold. In five years, he hopes to be crazy rich- but don't we all? His three favorite things are the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
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