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The official newspaper of Chamblee High School, preserving the past for the future today!

The Blue & Gold

The official newspaper of Chamblee High School, preserving the past for the future today!

The Blue & Gold

 Should Schools Have Mental Health Days?

All the pressures of school can overcome students. Photo by Nadia Norman

Mental health days are not a luxury, but a necessity. As the academic year unfolds, students, including myself, face many pressures, from the rigorous coursework to social media’s constant exposure and glare. Among all that chaos, our mental health often takes a backseat. I believe it’s time for schools to start prioritizing students’ well-being more, by enforcing mental health days – designated days off for students to revive themselves and tend to their mental health and overall well-being. 


To begin, every day students deal with anxiety, depression, and physical burnout at distressing rates. By acknowledging the importance of mental health and wellness, schools can help lessen these issues and start to create a supportive environment for students to thrive in. Mental health days recognize that mental wellness is just as important as physical health. Just as students need sick days to recover from physical illness, they also need mental health days to recharge and recover mentally. By enforcing mental health days, schools are sending a powerful message that mental wellness is valued and deserving of attention. 


Additionally, mental health days give students a much-needed break from the fast-paced school life. With the constant demands of homework, and studying for tests and quizzes, students often feel like they are running on a never-ending cycle. Mental health days would offer a chance to step off this cycle, take a break, and recharge. By allowing students to address their mental health, schools can prevent issues like anxiety and depression from getting too out of control. This is especially important given the rise of mental health issues among adolescents. 


To sum it up, enforcing mental health days in schools is a vital step toward promoting student health and overall success. By recognizing the importance of mental wellness, providing a break from academic pressure and exhaustion, and preventing more severe mental health issues, schools can help students thrive and succeed in all aspects of life. So, let’s make students’ mental health days a priority — students’ well-being depends on it.

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About the Contributor
Nadia Norman
Nadia Norman, Staff Writer
Nadia Norman (‘26) is a sophomore and staff writer at the Blue and Gold. In five years she hopes to be at her dream college studying to get her bachelors degree. Her three favorite things are Target, listening to music, and binging suits (the show).
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