Flag Football season is officially over, which means players now have the chance to reflect on the teams successes and setbakcs. They overcame many obstacles and persevered through the ups and downs until the very end. With Flag Football being a fairly new sport at Chamblee, the team has just completed their second season.Many players noted that they felt like they connected well with their teammates throughout the season.
“We … didn’t have the best record, but I feel like as a team, we definitely bonded over the season and meshed better by the end,“ said Mara Lonsbury (‘27).
Another player noted that the team’s spirit was present and active, even if the scores didn’t reflect the same.“We didn’t play too good this season, but at least the morale was there,” said Madelyne Merritt (‘27).
Elizabeth Taylor (‘27) explained how the team worked hard and met her expectations.
“I expect[ed] everyone to put in hard work, [like] sweat-on-the-field dedication, and they did exactly that,” said Taylor.
The practices were said to be quite long, but they were thorough and efficient; Sammy Goebeler (‘27) noted how practice went in more detail.
“Practice was very long, two hours, and we mostly scrimmaged and worked on new plays,” said Goebeler.
Lonsbury talked about how her practices went as a blocker and the differences between her practice and the other players’ practices.
“I would say it was pretty productive, very heavily focused on catching and like throwing, so I didn’t do a whole lot because I block, but it was very productive,” said Lonsbury.
The games were also said to be entertaining, yet a little nerve-wracking.
Merritt talked about how it’s fun to play against different teams.
“The games could be super intimidating, but, honestly, they were super fun. It feels different playing against actual schools, and it’s really competitive,” said Merritt.
Kate Sarago (‘25) mentioned that she disliked the games since they usually got beaten.

Photo Courtesy of @chambleeflagfootball on Instagram.
“Games were fun for me because I love to compete and just play football in general. On the other hand, games sucked because we always got crushed,” said Sarago.
Overall, most players said that the games were enjoyable and amusing. The season itself seemed to go quite well, and most players were content with the outcome.
“The flag football season went well. In our second year as a team, we had to start a junior varsity team because we had so many athletes who made the team,” said Coach Harris.
Merritt also commented on the fact that a lot of new athletes and coaches joined the team which lead to a mroe successful season.
“It was really fun because a lot of new people joined this year and we had some new coaches that helped us improve,” said Merritt.
The team seems to be growing and improving with every upcoming season, and everyone has their opinions on what they would like to see next year.
“I want to emphasize agility and the fundamental skills that are crucial in flag football, as well as spatial awareness and executing plays effectively on the flag football field,” said Harris.
Some athletes commented on how they would like to improve their own physical abilities.
“[I’d like to] improve my speed, agility, and flexibility,“ said Taylor.
However, Lonsbury noted that the team itself had some flaws that she would like to see be improved next year.
“I would definitely say we should probably be more organized. I felt like I didn’t know a lot that I was supposed to know. I didn’t know what jerseys we were supposed to have on and I didn’t know when we were supposed to leave for the bus. It was a communication thing,” said Lonsbury.
Even though communication might’ve been a flaw, the rest of the season seemed to go pretty well according to students. While the girls didn’t quite have the season they hoped, they are still determined to come out next year and do their best.
Thormagob Willingsmuth Codsbury • Feb 12, 2025 at 4:20 pm
Jolly good! The reason that there is no girls’ football still escapes me. However, I love horses!