by Kimberly Thompson
You’ve seen him in the cafeteria with his megaphone, protecting our lunchroom from the ravenous slobs who refuse to take up their tray. You might have also seen him on the halls, patrolling the corridors for “lost souls.” But unbeknownst to most, this guy actually does have a real job! That man behind the megaphone is Mr.Keith Rushing, Chamblee’s Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, Jazz Band, and Marching Band director.
This year, under the leadership of Mr.Rushing, Assistant Band Director Mr. Patrick Martin, Head Drum Leader Brian Ely, Assistant Drum Major Jimmy Jones, and Band Captain Jackie Jones, the initiative has been taken to make this year’s Marching Band even better than in years past.
Rushing says, “We have taken a lot of new steps to create an exceptional band. We have implemented a constitution to outline the rules and objectives of the band. We have made it mandatory for members to memorize music or they will not perform. The band has also administered stricter discipline and harsher punishments for members who skip practice, come in unexcused, or misbehave during practice (Chris, Jeff, and Jason can more than account for that). Most of all, we have stronger student leadership than ever before (Band Officers Brian, Jimmy, Jackie, Harry Hawkins, Nick Brooks, Harris Dugger, and Heather Mosley; Epiphany Officers Jasmine Prayor, Shay Battle, Marika Burnett, and Kenyatta Jones).”
The Marching Band performs the half-time show during all Varsity home and away games. The music they play varies from game to game, depending on the school they play against or if they are playing at a Marching Band Festival. Head Drum Major Brian Ely says, “We work hard to try and put on a little different show each week. It keeps the fans more interested.”
The band performs “I Heard It Through The Grapevine” by Marvin Gaye, “ Respect” by Aretha Franklin, and “ Zaragoza” every game, and either “ This is How We Do It” by Montel Jordan or “Sweet Georgia Brown” as the closer. The band also plays other special selections for special games on homecoming and senior nights, such as “Bridge Over Troubled Waters,” “End of the Road,” and “A Night In Tunisia.”
Come watch Chamblee’s Marching Bulldogs and Epiphany perform at any varsity football game or at their first festival, the Georgia Tournament of Bands At South Cobb High School from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm on Saturday, October 28th.