For students struggling in a specific subject area or who need help on homework, there are a variety of resources available at Chamblee Charter High School.
One of the newest services is free tutoring for any student everyday in room 1145 with professional tutors.
“We have two professional tutors here, along with Mr. [Brady] Lee, and myself,” said teacher Carrie Wilson, whose classroom is used during 4th period and after school for the tutoring.
Lee is a paraprofessional, and the two tutors are hired from a tutoring company named Applerouth. They can all help students with any academic struggles.
“We’re available during lunch breaks and after school for an hour, Monday through Thursday,” said Wilson.
Although the students have access to resources provided by Applerouth, they can also bring their own textbooks and get assistance on a variety of concepts.
“Students can come in to get help with projects, essays, they can review basic concepts they’re going over in class, and they [the tutors] also help them prepare for the standardized tests,” said Wilson.
Part of Applerouth’s plan is to focus not only on individual one-on-one sessions, but aiding the staff at Chamblee to create a positive academic environment.
“We also want to encourage teachers to let us know if we can help provide resources for the students as well,” said Wilson.
Because the program is new, the demand from students is not high.
“We have room, if somebody is interested, they should come,” said Wilson.
In the future, the tutors as well as Lee and Wilson plan on scoping out the interests of students before making decisions about how to get the word out.
“The plan is to see who trickles in, before we start doing a major announcement,” said Wilson.