On Tuesday, October 16, Assistant Principal Milton Hall notified faculty and staff of three upcoming homerooms scheduled for “Digital Dreamers Orientation” on Thursday, October 18; Wednesday, October 24; and Thursday, October 30. The email did not specify whether these homerooms would be in the morning or in the afternoon, but they will shorten student’s academic periods. The reason for these sudden homerooms is to complete this orientation by the October 31 deadline.
The county-mandated orientation, which will take place through Verge, aims to teach students how to use their Chromebooks. Topics covered include how to take care of the Chromebooks, how to use them responsibly, and what tools are available to the students through the Launchpad application.
It will include four modules with three mini-quizzes. To get a 100% entered into Infinite Campus, the student must simply pass all three quizzes. Although there will be a grade in the grade book, it will not be factored into a student’s GPA, nor will it appear on their transcript.