Homecoming has come and gone, and in its wake are two members of the student body that now sit atop Chamblee royalty as king and queen. Cecelia Hicks and Sifat Raihan were elected by our peers as this year’s representatives, and both got a unique experience of the wonders of homecoming. From the convertible escorts, to the thrill of being selected, and to the dance itself, these are their stories.
2018 Homecoming Queen Cece Hicks

What are some of the extracurriculars you are involved in here at school?
I’m on the dance team, which is part of the marching band, and I love it because I get to meet with so many new people on a daily basis. […] There are so many people that we get to work with.
What is your favorite part about going to school at Chamblee?
I really love just interacting with others and getting to spend time with all of my friends while I’m at school.
What is your favorite memory from your time at Chamblee?
Freshman year, it was my first year on the dance team, and on the days of the pep rallies we would get to get out of class early to prepare, and I would nap in the back of the band room with the rest of the dance team.
What was the best part about homecoming?
Being able to ride in the back of the car during the parade was really fun. […] At first I felt like I might fall out, but then the guy slowed down, so it was fun.
How did you react to being crowned Homecoming Queen?
I was crying on the inside. I was so overjoyed because I knew there could have been a chance of me winning, but I wasn’t sure. Ever since I was five, I always thought about going to Chamblee homecoming, and I thought “Oh my gosh I want that to be me!” and then it really happened.
2018 Homecoming King Sifat Raihan
What are some of the extracurriculars you are involved in here at school?
You know, the typical ones that you’d expect from a homecoming king, such as academic bowl, math team, science bowl, [and] swim team, and I also do some community service here and there.
What is your favorite part about going to school at Chamblee?
I really like the diversity here, and how it allows me to form friendships. There are cool people here like Theo, Rohan, and Ramanan.
What is your favorite memory from your time at Chamblee?
[At] my first swim meet, I barely knew how to swim, but everyone was still cheering me on. That was really cool.
What was the best part about homecoming?
The best part was getting chauffeured around for the night, and being with all my friends.
How did you react to being crowned Homecoming King?
Well, you know, I was sort of like the “meme vote,” you could say. I was happy that this year the meme won.