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The Blue & Gold

The official newspaper of Chamblee High School, preserving the past for the future today!

The official newspaper of Chamblee High School, preserving the past for the future today!

The Blue & Gold

The official newspaper of Chamblee High School, preserving the past for the future today!

The Blue & Gold

The Chamblee library and its notably empty aisles.

Where Are the Readers?

Addison Lyons, Staff Writer January 25, 2024

As of late, it can be difficult not to notice the lack of readers and interest in reading. With teenagers reading less and less each year, it can be challenging for even avid readers to maintain their...

Tower of nostalgia! Photo by Hannah Choy

Nostalgic Reads for the Average Elementary School Reading Bowl Participant and Bookworm

Hannah Choy, Editor April 19, 2023

A common trend I have noticed amongst my friends/peers is a longing for the “good old times” in elementary and middle school when we had more time to read (yes, this definitely includes myself!). Unfortunately,...

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