Being Labeled “Basic”

Photo Courtesy of Hantheloser on YouTube
A YouTube thumbnail labeled, “How to be a basic white girl” next to images of the instagram logo, starbucks logo, girl holding a phone, and dictionary definition
April 9, 2022
The first time someone called me a “basic white girl” was in 7th grade science class. All I can remember is that I was offended. Looking back on it, I don’t know why I was offended. I definitely was “basic.” I wore what everyone else wore and acted like everyone else.
I was young and very impressionable, and I still am. If someone came up to me today and called me “basic,” I would agree with them. I don’t try to stand out. I’m perfectly fine with blending in and some people may think that’s lame but I don’t really care. I’m more comfortable now than I was in 7th grade, and now I’m comfortable enough to admit that I am “basic” and that I really don’t want to stand out that much. What matters is that I am comfortable with how I look, dress, and act.
The issue is that people sometimes try to use “basic” as an insult. I think it’s stupid because people will bully others for being different, but the second I’m “basic” they try to call me out on it. In the world today, no matter what, someone will come for you and for how you dress and act. They will target you not only for being “basic,” but also for being labeled as goth, indie, etc. There is no winning in the situation because – honestly – people are just mean. If you are “basic,” people who aren’t might say something about it, but if you’re “different” the so called “basic people” might judge you or label you.
I’m not trying to say that all people are horrible and judgmental. I’m just saying that there are people in the world that are just mean. Who cares if you are basic, goth, indie, etc.? If you are just expressing yourself, people shouldn’t judge you. People should be able to express themselves and label their aesthetic without it being used as an insult against them.