Flags Fly as Girls Take the Field

Photo courtesy of the GHSA website.

Photo courtesy of the GHSA website.

Mateo Hunter, Reporter

The word has quickly spread through Chamblee High School about a soon to be girls; flag football team. Many people are excited to come out and support a new Chamblee team, especially with the boys’

football team’s recent success. Although there were talks about creating the team last year, this year marks the first official year of flag football at Chamblee. 

With the start of the season approaching many of the girls are excited for their first chance at competing in a high school-sponsored football team. Mary Entriken (‘25) is a student interested in flag football and hoping to join the team considering scheduling. She feels that this is long overdue at Chamblee.

“I think it’s time that we do have one since a lot of other schools already have it,” said Entriken.

There is some worry among the students that the team will not be organized being that it is the first year of the program, and Entriken is also concerned with the newness of it all.

“My only worry is finding a coach because right now we have a sponsor, but finding a good community coach would help a lot,” said Entriken.

Mr. Ambrose King, a special education teacher in the field of science at Chamblee, is the teacher sponsor for the sport and offers a solution to the coaching issues and concerns.

“I’m willing to learn [the sport] and I do have a couple of assistants who already work in football at Chamblee. They are going to kind of guide the process to condition the girls and help us run the plays. I will learn the plays, I will learn what it takes to prepare the girls for a successful season,” said King.

Other students share similar opinions about the organization of the team. Anna Claire (‘23) is another student who shares similar concerns about the creation of the new team; however, she still has hope that flag football can be as legitimate as any other sport. When asked about the worry of the team, Claire provided a hopeful answer.

“There is a good chance but if we get the right people to lead it, then I think they can get under control,” said Claire.

There is also a growing concern about the success of the team overall, being only their first season. King quickly shuts down any worry of the team’s success.

“I think our team has very good talent. Forty girls came to the [interest] meeting. That lets you know that there is a need for it,” said King. 

Entriken also offers student insight on the team’s success that backs Mr. King’s lack of worry.

“We have some [strong] players; lots of athletes who play other sports like softball and soccer that have the potential to be good,” said Entriken.

The future of flag football at Chamblee is unknown at this time however, both teachers and students have high hopes for all types of flag football at Chamblee. Esther Solaru (‘26) is a student who sees a bright future for the flag football organization at Chamblee.

“Hopefully, it can actually become like a district-wide sport so that we can compete with other schools and it becomes something that is actually a [recognized] thing,” said Esther.

King also offers his hopes for female flag football in the coming years as well as why a team like this is needed.

“Georgia is ranked among one of the lowest states in the country for female sports. I would like to see [the team] pretty much like the girl’s soccer team. You start it, help organize it, and get it to the point where it is so successful that, you know, we can’t be beat,” said King.

The team plans to start their conditioning the third week of September and tryouts continuing through the fall. The student interest seems to be there for the sport and the already prospective players are ready for their debut as Chamblee’s first Female Flag Football team.