Chamblee Starts the Season with a Slam Dunk
Photos courtesy of Chamblee Basketball and Brian Bates Photography
Chamblee plays in a game against Lakeside High School.
November 28, 2022
Chamblee women’s basketball has seen its fair share of challenges. Residual issues from Covid, training new players, and the loss of a beloved coach have troubled the program in the past years. But this season’s outlook is more than promising after the women’s varsity team’s unanimous win against Northview. New players and a new attitude towards coaching have combined to give Chamblee basketball a fresh start that will launch them to new heights this season.
“We have good players this year, especially [the] players that came from other schools. I think we have this one in the bag, and I think we’re going to make it far this season,” said Addison Munroe (‘25).

Although an influx of new players and a completely new coaching structure proved a challenge for Chamblee’s players, they adjusted quickly.
“We’re getting worked really hard. It’s a lot of work, but if we’re willing to put in the effort, I think we’ll have great potential this season,” said Prisha Umashankar (‘24).
The beginning of any sport’s season is both exciting and challenging; this year’s challenges were only exacerbated by an entirely new coaching team. While the players were met with more conditioning and a new environment, the coaches also found themselves getting to know a new roster of players with different skill sets and expectations.
“I’m stern, but I’m fair and very disciplined and structured. I think that the young ladies are starting to see that, and they’re starting to adjust to me and it shows in the games,” said Carla Holloway, the head women’s basketball coach.
The game against Northview proved Chamblee’s new competitive prowess in a surprise blowout against the Fulton school. Chamblee’s women scored 71 points against Northview’s 11.
“[The game] was awesome […] We didn’t go in there with the mindset of ‘Oh, we want to blow them out’. It just happened that we were a better team than them on Saturday. We used the game as a practice to work on our sets and defenses to help us for the next game,” said Holloway.
A combination of new coaching and the players’ efforts helped propel Chamblee to victory and start the season off strong.
“[Before a game], I get pumped. Get hyped with my fellow players,” said Callie Kirsch (‘25).
The challenges Chamblees’ women have faced so early in the season have only made them stronger, and the future is full of excitement for both the team and the coaching staff.
“[Our girls] have made such great improvements since the Fall League,” said Holloway. “You can really see the improvement and so far I see a very successful season.”