Resident Tough Guy Receives Top Auxiliary Staff Award


Teddy Carter

From October 2009:

BG: What sort of a student were you in high school?
TC: I was a role model. I went from football season to basketball to track and field; I was always doing something.
BG: Who was your least favorite teacher?
TC: I didn’t really have one. All of my teachers in high school were pretty good across the board.
BG: Why do you have such a passion for South Carolina State University?
TC: Well I came from a low income family and my dad died when I was in the seventh grade. SCSU was close to home and they gave me a full scholarship for football. I was in the ROTC program there; South Carolina gave me an education, a military career and a good opportunity to see the world.
BG: What is your biggest pet peeve?
TC: Young men who do not keep themselves well groomed.
BG: What is your favorite thing to get students in trouble for?
TC: Well I do not have a favorite thing; I do it all. If you are skipping, I am going to catch you. iPods, phones, sagging….. it does not matter. It is just a matter of time. Of course I would be happy if I could walk the halls and not get anyone in trouble for anything!
BG: Why is it so bad to touch the ropes in the lunch lines?
TC: The ropes and the poles, too. Well, a few years ago a petition landed on Principal Lowery’s desk to stop cutting in the lunch lines. I am particular about the rule, but just look at that line; you don’t see anyone acting out.
BG: Why do you take your job so seriously?
TC: I am here to keep a safe environment. By me doing my job, students can learn and have fun in a safe way; I have to have a serious attitude. I’m not here to be a friend, but I do hope that students are comfortable enough to come to me with any problems.
BG: So, do you wear the yellow shirts on the weekends too?
TC: No, no. I have a whole different wardrobe. For a football game, I might wear jeans and a SCSU golf shirt. Otherwise, I look sharp. I have to have my pants pressed and starched; it is part of being a role model.
BG: Why do you rock the handlebar mustache?
TC: It is a trademark of mine. I cut it off for my years in the military, but I have had it for years.
BG: And the bald head?
TC: Well I had an afro for a while, but it was pretty jacked up. I cut it short for college.
BG: What kind of women do you like?
TC: I am 52 years old, so no woman under 40. I like a woman with a little meat on her, and her hair has got to be looking good. You can’t have a bad hair day with Teddy Carter, and you can’t be riding in my car with rollers in your hair. If I’m going to be your man, I’m going to keep you looking good.
BG: So keeping that in mind, which of your wives was your favorite?
TC: Oh the first.
BG: You sure?
TC: Oh yeah. They both dressed well, but the first was definitely better.
BG: So what do you do for fun?
TC: Football games. I travel a lot for football. I love tailgating. I don’t do too much when football season winds down.