Why I Just Love Musicals 


A scene from this year’s musical, Fiddler on the Roof.

Mallory Reid, Reporter

I never truly understood how good Chamblee’s productions were until I saw my first Chamblee On Stage musical, Newsies, in 2022. I went in with very low expectations and to be completely blunt I didn’t really want to go. I always thought that musicals and plays were a little boring and hard to sit through. But no, this one, Newsies, was so good. It took me back to the 19th century thanks to the amazing set design and incredible acting and singing. If I’m being honest, I loved it so much I went a second time, and of course, it was just as good. But this was just the start of my musical obsession. 

After seeing Newsies twice and maybe listening to the soundtrack in my car for a few days after, I needed to see another one. I needed to fuel my addiction. So what other musical was happening right after Newsies? You guessed it. The Chamblee Middle School musical in which they chose one of my favorite movies: High School Musical. I dragged one of my friends on a Friday night to go see it and we sat in the second row, which now that I’m thinking about it might’ve been a little unnecessary. But let me tell you it was unexpectedly so good. The leads who played Troy and Gabriella were so perfectly cast and genuinely fit the mold so well of a singing basketball player in love with a shy, theater girl. I had to remind myself that they were middle schoolers on the stage and not seasoned professionals. 

Moving on from my beginner musical phase I soon realized I needed to see something other than high school and middle school productions despite them being amazing. So I consulted with my parents. I guess the love for musicals runs in my family because my mom just so happened to have season tickets to the Fox Theater, which holds the most amazing musicals and plays. So we went to the next show that was included in the tickets and I think you can guess what happened. The energy that that theater held only elevated my love for musicals even more. Everything from walking into the theater doors and seeing the stage for the first time, to the curtains opening and the crowd going silent. I can’t even describe the feeling. Along with the incredible singing and acting of the actors in said show: Tootsie, the experience is really what made it so much fun. The fact that for however many hours you get to escape the real world and experience something that took so much time and energy to perfect. It’s a feeling that truly cannot be replaced by anything else. 

Fast forward to this year. When Chamblee’s 2023 musical was announced I didn’t really know how to feel. I’ve heard of Fiddler on the Roof before but had no idea what the storyline entailed. However that obviously didn’t stop me from going. I went to the Friday showing not knowing what to expect, but as always Chamblee On Stage exceeded my and I think everyone’s expectations. You could’ve told me I was watching a Fox theater musical and I would have believed you. Along with the acting, the singing really took this musical to the next level. 

My favorite scene, where the butcher’s diseased wife comes to haunt Tevye the father, in his nightmares, was hands down the best scene I’ve seen out of all of the shows I’ve been to, and that includes a Broadway showing of Mean Girls. Olivia Grove, who was the star of this scene, had the most powerful voice that captivated every single person in the audience. I could not pick out one thing in the whole show that they could have done better. The comedic timing, amazing singing voices, and acting that sounded professional is what made Fiddler on the Roof and Chamblee’s productions in general so exceptional. 

I might just have to come back from college next year for the sole purpose of going to Chamblee’s 2024 musical.