Chamblee’s Student/Parent Handbook states, that the school’s learning atmosphere can be hindered by a student’s appearance, but in a school with so many unexpected variables is it possible to keep the dress code from varying?
Maryam Ahmed feels that it has changed and that it has become a lot stricter than last year.
“They’re always talking about girls’ shirts being too low cut or too high. I never found the dress code distracting before, but now whenever you walk down the hallways the administrators are always looking for it and yelling down the hallway at people,” said Ahmed.
However, while others feel that it hasn’t. Charles Charrier believes that nothing has become to strict or varied significantly. And girls’ dress violations can be hindering.
“It is distracting. It’s ‘sexy’ man. What can I say?” said Charrier.
According to Michelle Jones, Assistant Principle, the code does not vary, only a few adjustments have been made between this year and the last.
“A few minor changes have been made, the words innuendos, knee-length dresses, and teeth grills were added,” said Jones.
The rules for girl’s dress wear have remained constant despite any violations in the hallways. All bottoms must be knee-length, and shirts should cover the upper and lower midriff section.
“The dress code does not vary, it doesn’t matter how tall you are or your body type. What does vary is if we see you or not, as some girls tend to you know try and hideout or try and walk behind their friends,” said Jones.
To clear up any misunderstandings about appropriate pant wear is what Jones defined as the difference between being baggy and plain sagging.
“It’s fine for a young man to wear his baggy, what is unacceptable is the sagging,” said Jones, “If a young man wants to wear size 4XL pants, that is okay, as long as he has a belt and they are at the waist.”
In the past weeks, Chamblee has suffered periods without air conditioning, a unexpected variable that students many assume would provide some kind of leniency in the dress.
“It doesn’t make a difference, if you wear something appropriate you’ll be fine. It’s those who choose to dress inappropriately and have to wear other garments to cover up that have the need to break the rules,” said Jones.
Editors Note: The dress code has been a controversial topic spanning from its initial design, the B&G has published a many stories regarding the topic. Take a look! To Dress, or Not to Dress , Dress Code: Chamblee’s First Few Steps Towards a More Accepting Future , The Road Toward a Revised Dress Code: The Controversy Surrounding School Attire