Due to increasing demand for tickets to Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour, ticket prices, along with the numbers of disappointed fans who aren’t able to score tickets, have skyrocketed. In an attempt to make up for the limited number of tickets and to give fans a chance to relive their concert experience, Taylor Swift released a movie of her concert called Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour. The movie was well-attended and highly appreciated by many Chamblee students.
“I think [releasing the movie] was a great idea because I’m going to want to remember [the concert] for the rest of my life, and now I will be able to rewatch it and soak up those memories,” said Stella Barton (’26), who went to Swift’s concert in Atlanta as well as her newly released movie.
Tiller Johnson (‘24) saw Swift’s concert live and is also planning to watch the movie. She thinks the release of this movie is a great opportunity for fans who aren’t able to see Swift perform to be able to experience an Eras Tour show.
“I think it was a good idea to release the Eras Tour film because I know there are a lot of people who didn’t get to go to the concert. It’s not the exact same experience, but at least you get to see the show,” said Johnson.
Bella Avett (‘26) also went to see Swift’s concert and movie; however, she has a different opinion on the release of the film.
“She made a concert and now she’s monetizing it. It seems like she just wants more money. I know this isn’t the case and that the movie was made for the people who weren’t able to go to the concert, but that’s what it seems like,” said Avett.
Although some believe that the high Eras Tour ticket prices were unfair, some believe that they were justifiable for an artist as popular as Swift.
“I think the tickets were overpriced, but because she’s such a famous artist, people are obviously going to spend whatever to get to go to the concert. I think it did affect a lot of people who couldn’t afford it. I’m happy that she’s doing the movie now because the movie is way more affordable, and it still gives a chance for everyone to see an Eras Tour show,” said Ava Redick (‘26).
Erin Myers-Beck (‘26) believes that the movie was the perfect opportunity for her to see the Eras Tour.
“I partially went [to the movie] because I wasn’t able to go to the concert, so this way, I was able to have the experience,” said Myers-Beck.
Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour was also attended by many fans who did get to enjoy an Eras Tour show and simply wanted to relive it.
“I wanted to go to the movie because I knew how good the concert was. My decision to go was kind of based on how I thought the concert was, but even if I hadn’t seen the concert, I would still have wanted to see the movie because I love Taylor Swift,” said Barton.
Although the concert was adored by many, some fans felt that their experience could’ve been better.
“My seats were kind of far away from the stage. I wish I could have just been closer to her. She also didn’t include some songs that she definitely should have,” said Redick.
While the movie gave Taylor Swift the chance to share her concert with more fans, many were disappointed that some of the songs Swift performed at the concert were not included in the movie.
“They cut ‘Cardigan,’ ‘The Archer,’ ‘Long Live,’ and ‘No Body No Crime’ from the setlist of the movie, so that was frustrating,” said Barton.
Some fans, on the other hand, aren’t as bothered by the elimination of these fan favorites from the movie.
“I have heard that she cut some songs out of the movie, but it’ll still be cool. It’ll be nice to relive the experience [of the concert] without all the craziness that it was,” said Johnson, who plans to see the film on an upcoming date.
In contrast to most Chamblee Swifties’ excitement about the movie, some feel that the release of the movie was pointless.
“I didn’t want to go see Taylor Swift: The Eras Tour because I already went to the concert, and nothing’s going to change. The Eras Tour is also better in person,” said Avett.
Despite many fans preferring the concert to the film, many found the movie enjoyable and thought it was a great opportunity for many reasons.
“I know the concert was definitely a lot more expensive, and the movie is much cheaper. I get that being there in person is just so different; there is a different energy. I don’t know if anyone’s going to sing along in the movie theater, but they should. I feel like [the movie is] just going to be different. It’s still going to be really cool to see closer up what she looks like,” said Finley Malone (‘26).
A main takeaway that fans who attended both the concert and the movie have is that the movie isn’t able to capture all the aspects of being in person at an Eras Tour show.
Barton said, “The concert was definitely the most unreal and fun experience I’ve ever been to, and the movie was just a way to relive it. I feel like if you weren’t at the concert, then it’s not the same.”