Save the Date: Annual Blue and Gold Auction to be Held in March

Photo courtesy of the Blue and Gold Foundation.

A view of a table of auctioned items from the Blue and Gold Silent Auction in past years.

Oliver Hurst, Staff writer

Calling all Chamblee Charter High School supporters: On March 6, the Blue and Gold Foundation is holding its sixth annual silent auction for the benefit of CCHS’s educational community. The auction will be held at a unique industrial event venue, known as Factory Atlanta in Chamblee, with doors opening at 6:30 pm. 

The main goal of the Blue and Gold Foundation is to help CCHS in various ways: this auction, in particular, is one of the main ways that the Foundation raises money, which it then uses to support students and teachers.  

“The whole [idea behind] the Blue and Gold Foundation is to give money, and to support CCHS teachers and students, which they do that in a variety of ways,” said Blue and Gold Foundation board member and social studies teacher Jennifer Tinnell. “They give grants to teachers. They support the senior legacy gift. They bring the Teddy Roosevelt guest speaker to school. [The Foundation] is really behind the scenes a lot of times. But that is just some of the stuff that they do with their money. It’s like nothing’s too small. They want to do as much as they canpeople just have to ask.”

One of the most recent ways the Blue and Gold Foundation has supported CCHS is its recent donation to the art department.

“Myself and Miss Nguyen both got new drying racks for our classrooms.” said art teacher Kimberly Landers. “Currently, we both have small, broken, old and insufficient drying racks that I can’t even fit two class periods’ work on in one day. So those are really, really helpful items to have.”

There will be multiple different types of items available at the auction, including artwork from some of Landers’s students.

“We are going to donate some pieces that students have already made in the past. But we are also working on a couple of large scale pieces,” said Landers. “I’m having people bring in sketches, and we’ve got some big canvases to hopefully make some really interesting, non-objective [artwork], which means there’s no recognizable subject matterkind of colorful textural pieces that you know maybe someone would put in their living room or in their dining room.”

Photo courtesy of the Blue and Gold Foundation.
An example of an auctioned item.

Blue and Gold Foundation President Nancy Farrey mentioned some other items that will be auctioned off at the event.

“We will have both a silent and live auction of a variety of items,” said Farrey, “Including trips; artwork; sports tickets to the Braves, Falcons, and Atlanta United; jewelry; admission to local attractions such as Zoo Atlanta, the High Museum and Atlanta Movie Tours; sports memorabilia and many other unique items and experiences.”

Landers wanted to support the auction due to how helpful the Blue and Gold Foundation has been to CCHS.

“I am very adamant about supporting an organization that supports our program,” said Landers, “And the foundation has already given us a couple of grants this year for equipment […]. So to build that community and build that even stronger foundation, we want to make sure that we are a part of their mission.”

Photo courtesy of the Blue and Gold Foundation.
An example of sports memorabilia from the Blue and Gold Auction.

According to Tinnell, the auction is for every adult member of the Chamblee community. 

“It’s affordable and close by school in an adorable new hip venue,” said Tinnell. “Many people are talking about, you know, how they want camaraderie with other teachers, and they want support from the community. Here is an opportunity for you to go have fun out of school [hours]. It’s supporting the Blue and Gold, and attendees will get great deals on a lot of donated items, and you know that 100% of your money is going right back to school. I mean it is a win-win.”

Tickets to the auction are $30 per person or $50 for two. They can be bought via PayPal on the Blue and Gold Foundation’s website.

“We hope the Chamblee community will attend the Blue & Gold Foundation Silent Auction where they will enjoy a good time as we benefit our great CCHS students, faculty and school,” said Farrey. “Tickets include delicious food, beverages and live music provided by the Mike Veal Band.  This year’s theme is ‘All Roads Lead to Chamblee.’”