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The Blue & Gold

The official newspaper of Chamblee High School, preserving the past for the future today!

The official newspaper of Chamblee High School, preserving the past for the future today!

The Blue & Gold

The official newspaper of Chamblee High School, preserving the past for the future today!

The Blue & Gold

Students often compete in games during pep rallies. Pictured here is current student body president Joanna Louis-Ugbo

Pep Rallies: Should They Make a Comeback This Year?

Luiza Douglas, Senior Editor December 10, 2021

Pep rallies are a part of typical high school memories, seen in cult classic movies like “Heathers.” Here at Chamblee, they have been a key part of the Student Government Association’s (SGA) school...

Homecoming Hype at Latest Pep Rally

Homecoming Hype at Latest Pep Rally

Sophie Maxwell, Staff writer October 18, 2018

Friday, October 12 sounds like a normal date for most, but for CCHS students, it was the day of homecoming football game, and of course, a homecoming pep rally. As students filed in, the marching band...

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Dogs Trash the Cats (In the Pep Rally, At Least)

Sophie Maxwell, Staff writer September 10, 2018

On Friday, August 31, the Chamblee Bulldogs had their first pep rally to hype people up for the Chamblee vs. Dunwoody football game later that night. As students and faculty filed in, the marching...

Homecoming Canceled: A Few Crash the Party for All

Rashelle James November 7, 2009

From November 2009: Chamblee High School has plenty of traditions. From the color of class t-shirts to the decoration of class hallways, the school's traditions encourage school pride and give students...

Getting Jiggy, Getting Violent

Ferris, Staff Writer October 13, 2002

Something is missing from this year’s pep rallies. The number of smiling faces is minimal, the sight of excited fans is rare, and hilarious dancing students are gone. Where’s all the pep? The...

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