Lit Teacher Discovered to be Making up Vocabulary Words

Jack Bennett, Author

As students struggled with bad grades on recent vocabulary, they have been raising questions. A lot of the students looked up the words and had a tough time finding anything.

“We were told to fill in the blanks and one of the words was schmeculate,” said junior Taylor Overand. “I had looked that one up earlier and didn’t find anything.”

The teacher in question, who said his name is Mr. Demvettsler, came up with twenty to thirty words that were not real, with a few real words peppered in. Last week’s ten words were perpulate, admonish, snekelb, wasserker, trumungicle, relinquish, ruebutal, buluppydoop, quippo, and awenone.

“I really don’t know how they didn’t figure it out after buluppydoop,” said Demvettsler. “Honestly these kids are pretty pickentary to not figure this out until now.”

When asked, Demvettsler’s students said that pickentary means dumb. The teacher said that it started by them being too lazy to find words, but became something he did for fun. The effects on the class were not, however, fun for the students.

“I got an awful score on my SAT essay because I used like 15 words that are apparently total gibberish,” said junior Colin Courtney.

Demvettsler has started to incorporate their words into their life as well. Apparently, it is easier for them to just use a made up word rather than have to come up with the right word at the right time. Also, they feel that a made up word at the right time could really drive a point home.

“I told the administration that if they fired me, I would be really groopub,” said Demvettsler. “One of them broke down in tears because of how profound that was.”

The students around the school had a tough time returning to English. When interviewed, their language was cluttered with absolute gibberish. Much of the conversations around the school are now in broken English, and test scores have been set way back.

“It has been a really fruppu- I mean, ‘hard’ time for us,” said Overand.

During this difficult time at Chamblee, Demvettsler hosted the school spelling bee. Only three of the 200 participating students advanced to the next round after misspelling words like kreepis, griphiled, and the aforementioned schmeculate.

“It was awesome when I won the spelling bee in the third round after spelling cophane correctly,” said Junior Mark Haiden.

This problem has been fixed and now Demvettslerr is back to giving real words.

“I gave my first real vocab test today. It did have the word ricitiki, but no one needs to know about that,” he said with a wink.