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The Blue & Gold

The official newspaper of Chamblee High School, preserving the past for the future today!

The official newspaper of Chamblee High School, preserving the past for the future today!

The Blue & Gold

The official newspaper of Chamblee High School, preserving the past for the future today!

The Blue & Gold

Editor Miles Forshay ('26)

Miles Forshay, Editor

Miles is a junior at Chamblee High School and an editor for the Blue & Gold. This is his second year on the staff. In five years, he hopes to be doing something worthy of a Red Bull sponsorship. If stranded on desert island, he would want an In-N-Out run by robots, an infinite supply of bagels, and a job that he won’t file taxes for, so the IRS would come and extradite him back home.

All content by Miles Forshay
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